Because Life Gets Blurry

and I dont want to forget a thing.

5 weeks April 29, 2010

Filed under: Pregnancy,Uncategorized — Blur @ 6:00 pm
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The day I turned 5 weeks I noticed some right ovary pain so I gave the doctor a call and they asked me to come in and then they ordered an ultrasound.

It was so neat seeing our little blob on the screen! They saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac and said that the baby was implanted up nice and high in the uterus. Things looked good. The baby measured 2 days ahead and threw my due date up to December 27th. So now I start a new week each monday.

They didn’t find anything that would be causing the pain though…

Another new thing with week five is morning sickness! It sucks! I keep telling Mr. Blur “I don’t know why people go through this more than once” LOL I just don’t handle puking very well and its definitely worse in the morning but can come at any time if its been more than 3-4 hours since I last ate. It’s mostly just dry heaving but it does make brushing my teeth hard lol

I’m trying to get all my nutrients in, taking the prenatal vitamins is hard because they are chewable since I don’t do well with the big horse pills (seriously I’d rather take 3 -4 little pills then one big one) the chewables taste nasty! But with a lot of water I can get them down.  I’m also trying to drink lots of water and 3 glasses of milk a day. It’s totally helped that I bought chocolate syrup to get all my dairy in lol


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