Because Life Gets Blurry

and I dont want to forget a thing.

This time last year! April 22, 2011

Filed under: Baby,Pregnancy — Blur @ 9:14 pm
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I was at work one day at the daycare I worked at, and I was looking at the kids and just thought about how this time 2 or 3 years ago they were nothing but a dream for their parents. And now here they were as little actual living people playing with toys and looking at books. So I got this really weird urge that I wanted to write a letter to our future child.

I sat down that night and wrote out a letter just explaining how we were in the crazy process of planning our wedding that was just 5 months away and that after we got married we would be trying for them and where we were right now in our lives job wise and ages and just little things like that. That we dreamed about them already and hoped to be pregnant by the same time next year. And that was that- I put the letter away in a safe spot.

Then I was a day or two late but thats happened before and it was always nothing. But I had a cheapie test so I decided to take it (because you know AF will show up right after you test lol!) Well I got this…

life changing..

I couldnt believe it!! Never seen THAT line before!! HUGE surprise!!

A few weeks later I got the letter out to put with the other baby papers and looked at the date on it- 3 DAYS before I took the test!! The paper was dated 4-20-10 and I took the test 4-23-2010 a year from tomorrow!! So in one year we went from that to this.. And we couldnt be happier.


Cloth Diapers update April 5, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Blur @ 9:01 pm
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So I ordered them from softbums- It took 6 days to ship!! That was a lot of time waiting and then 3 days to arrive so 9 days total!

But when I did receive them I was super excited to wash it up I went all over town trying to find the detergent they suggested (purex free and clear) I didn’t find it at target(which actually the closest target is 45 mins away, I just happened to be there already) or dollar general, I ended up finding it at our local grocery store for something like 4 dollars and it will last a while cause you use so little and I’m glad I was able to find it in town.

So I washed them up and then  put them on him and took him into see dad.

He says “what is that? a swim diaper?” LOL

I said no its a cloth diaper…so then I showed him how it worked and he didn’t really say yay or nay, but when his grandmother came over he showed her it, and even helped me wash them up (hung them to dry) today so I took that as an ok 😀

So I ordered two more yesterday (from and it shipped that night! Expected delivery is tomorrow!!)  I ordered a “happy robot” and a Brown one, so in total when I get these I’ll have 3 covers, 9 super try touch inserts and one best bottoms insert (which I havent tried yet, but I heard they work with softbums well and they’re cheaper so for extras I’ll probably go that route)

I’m excited, we used them that day for 2 changings then when we were going out and about we threw a disposable on him (we also use disposable at night for now havent braved the overnight trial yet lol) so we’re just using the cloth at home for now. He hasn’t leaked or anything and I just did my first wash since using them today so im thinking I’ll have one cover to use while the other 2 wash and I’ll just rotate them that way. I put a pail (empty trash can) in the bathroom and just toss them in there. So far he hasn’t pooped in it yet been doing that in the disposable LOL

 We used the same cover for both those two changings but when we get the next ones i’ll most likely be using one and then the other (they suggest to let them air out between uses if possible) we’ll still be using the disposable but I figured if I can use these even a couple of days a week then we’ll be saving money in the long run as we wont have to buy diapers as often (we buy up and up brand for 14 bucks for 96, used to last 2 weeks, im hoping we can go a whole month on the 96) and as time goes on I’ll build up my stash of cloth 🙂


Making the switch March 26, 2011

Filed under: Baby — Blur @ 11:51 am
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I think im a little to excited about this 🙂

I ordered a Softbums diaper the other day, so that I’d have something to show Mr. Blur when I talk to him about switching to cloth diapers (hey the worst he can say is no, but I don’t think he will once he sees how they work, and even if he does, at least I’ll have a diaper I can use if we ran out of disposable)

I also decided to switch to cloth wipes the wipes we’ve tried leave little Rjs bum all red and I was told by a few nurses that cloth is better, and if im already going to be washing this diaper it wont be any harder to do cloth.

But anyways this diaper comes with 3 inserts and one “cover” which fits and looks just like a regular diaper. So with each change (unless it’s a epic blowout) you just change the insert, so you could use the same insert all day as long as it stays clean, and just use inserts which are 3-5 dollars a piece. I figured if Mr. Blur okays it I’ll order one more pack($35) and a few extra inserts so that will get us through 1 maybe even 2 days and then I can wash them every other day. The detergent to use is about $13 dollars(depending on which kind you get) and lasts a long time I’ve read because you use such a tiny amount.

I already have a sprayer on the tub which reaches to the toilet to use as a “diaper sprayer” you just spray BM into the toilet and then put into a small plastic trashcan until your ready to wash. Then just wash the can out.

Theyre good for the economy, good for the baby, good for the pocketbook, and super cute..I bought the “ocean blue” color 🙂

I havent told anybody yet, I’d rather put it into action first then hear everyone’s criticism about it because honestly I’ve done a lot of research on it and it does not look hard AT all. If I was working a full-time job it may be a little more difficult but I’m part-time so I have time to wash them at home.

We’re going to build up our stash slowly, probably just use cloth part-time until I get enough diapers for using it full-time- I’m thinking I’ll need at least 4 diapers to do it full time and lots of inserts. Luckily Rj doesnt poop a lot, just about once a day..and he isn’t a heavy wetter, we usually only change him at feedings so that’s about 5 times a day..

So yea, I’m pretty excited…about diapers LOL I can’t wait for them to show up 🙂 I’ll let you all know how it goes!

Ps: this one diaper should last until he’s potty trained!  It fits 6-35lbs+


2 months February 10, 2011

Filed under: Monthly updates — Blur @ 8:12 pm
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My little Rj is 2 months old now. I searched the internet to come up with a survey like thing to answer each month but alas there was none…so I came up with my own..

Weight: 11lbs 13oz he’s filling out soo much! Its adorable! wearing size 1 diapers finally 😀 Still has all his dark hair!

Height: 23 inches no more newborn clothes all 0-3 month clothes

Eating: Formula fed- 5 ozs every 4 hours

Sleep: Sleeps during the night from about 10pm-3, takes his last feeding around 8:30PM/9 then is awake for awhile then sleeps until 3…sometimes wakes around 12:30 to be comforted then he goes back to sleep. Then awake every 4 hours after that to be fed. Goes right back down after each feeding until about 8/9 oclock AM.  During the day he eats, plays/is content for a while then about a hour and a half to an hour before the next feeding he goes to sleep for a little while.

Activity: He rolls from his tummy to his back, can lift and steadly hold his head up, likes his swing sometimes but doesnt ever sleep in it. Has been doing the “mini push ups” since month one! Doesnt show any intrest in rattles or anything like that yet. He only uses the binky when we’re trying to get him asleep and when he’s in the car seat. He’s starting to like the bouncy chair more, even though it doesnt vibrate anymore(batteries died, must replace soon)

He is just growing so much and changing everyday, and when other people are holding him I just get over whelmed with this “my baby is soooo cute” feeling. LOL he really is adorable and could be a model…I should put a pic up just to show him off and then take it down after a day or something…i’ll think about it. 😀


The best compliment ever. February 8, 2011

Filed under: Baby — Blur @ 9:18 pm
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I got hit with the best compliment ever last night. Just days after reading this post actually.

My hubby told me that Rj was lucky to have me, that he knows he’s lucky to have a father that loves and cares  about him(as many fathers out there dont put as much effort into their babys as my hubby does) but that he’s twice as lucky to have me. That I do such a good job taking care of me, and that he can tell that Rj loves me.

And it really is the best feeling ever to get that compliment- but also a little awkward- how do I respond, do I say thank you? Because to me, there just is no other way, kinda like after I had Rj and EVERYONE kept saying , “you did good” or “you guys have a cute one, he’s just perfect, you did good” I never understood that because I didnt do anything that wasnt just natural. I didnt do anything to make him come out perfect- I had no control over that. Just like being a good mom to him, I dont have control over that (I suppose I do but there is just no other option in my mind) I do what I have to for him because I love taking care of him and watching him grow, I love him with all my heart.